Next, we publish our most interesting infographics:


Benefits of urban trees: Big trees inside cities are an excellent filter to avoid pollution. Also they provide food, promote healthy environments and increase population's energy levels. If they are placed in strategic points, they can reduce the needs of heating and air conditioning. So, if you plant a tree in your city today, you will be rewardes in the future!
Language: Spanish



Five technological tools for agriculture: Currently technology forms part in our lives, make it simpler. Also in agriculture, techology can be our future partner  on the field. We let you know the future innovations which are transforming the primary sector.
Language: Spanish


Consequences of rural depopulation: The phenomenon of depopulation in rural areas has got economical, social and environmental repercussions throughout the territory. Do you like to know more? This interesting infographics give you the main keys. 
Language: Spanish



Common mistakes of the begining producer: Next infographics explains more common mistakes when you are starting a vegetable garden or orchard.
Language Spanish



The food rainbow: The color of our food says a lot of its properties. Next infographics we inform you about the main features of each element which gives color to our food.
Language: Spanish 


Benefits of a proper palletiseThanks to palletise you will achieve important progress and benefits in your company. You can improve the management of your warehouse with Elastypack®.
Language: Spanish


Tips if you are going to start with an orchard: In an urban garden there are many tasks that have to be undertaken and, sometimes, we can be overwhelmed in the beginning. If you are thinking about starting your horticultural adventure, there are some tips so you do not drive to despair.
Language: Spanish


Green Economy: Do you know why it is so important that citizens, companies, governments... bet on the #Green Economy? In the following #infographics we show you the reasons to join the #Greenvolution with Enviroplast®.
Language: Spanish


Ecological Sector in Spain: The ECO sector in Spain increases its importance in the national scenario thanks to the boom in domestic consumption. With this infographics we let you know more about the current situation of the sector en Spain.
Language: Spanish


Almonds features: The almond is the nut recognised because it has got a lot of healthy benefits, but their main nutrients and prpperties are unknown. Would you like to know more? The following infographics shows you every data.
Language: Spanish


The environmental footprint: Throughout the life of a product, potential environmental impacts are generated. These impacts are analyzed by the Environmental Footprint, also known as the 14 Footprints. In the following infographic we present all the information about this method of environmental analysis.
Language: Spanish


Food in 2050: The health of the population depends on their diet. Therefore, we should follow some steps to conserve natural resources and have good health in the future. We present an infographics with the main keys, so that there are no problems of food supply in the future.
Language: Spanish


The Bioeconomy in Europe: The European Commission has presented an action plan for the development of a sustainable and circular bioeconomy at the service of society, the environment and the economy in Europe. We present an infographics that summarizes the main objectives of the plan.
Language: Spanish


The 10 principles of agroecology: Agroecology is a scientific discipline based on the application of the concepts and principles of ecology in the design, development and management of sustainable agricultural systems. We tell you its main characteristics in the following infographics.
Language: Spanish
TIPS to reduce pollution: In the following infographics we show you that with small steps we can reduce the emission of pollutants. With these practical tips you can make your life more sustainable and reduce your environmental footprint.  
Language: Spanish


The future of food and agriculture: The following infographics made by FAO we would like to show you the global trends and challenges of our agriculture's future. 
Language: Spanish


The formation of the olive in 4 steps: Unlike the fruit trees, the ripening of the "cornicabra" olive takes three times longer. Therefore, we invite you to know these four steps to follow in the cultivation.
Language: Spanish


How to integrate the circular model in the business strategy?: We leave you a Roadmap with six tips that will be helpful when you decide to include the circular model in your own business. Commit yourself to this type of model and be much more efficient.
Language: Spanish


Legumes and biodiversity: Legumes can improve biodiversity because they have the capacity to convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that favor soil fertility. Are you interested? Well, here we leave the infographics from FAO in which is explained it.
Language: Spanish


The benefits of school gardens: The School Gardens are a learning platform to help students, educators and families to link the cultivation of food with a proper diet, develop life skills and raise awareness about environmental issue. Enviroplast® is 100% biodegradable mulch for your garden, the only one in small format adapted to all surfaces.
Language: Spanish


Make you business more circular: You can turn it more sustainable in order to achieve a new business model adapted to the challenges of the future. With little steps, we can accomplish to improve our companies thanks to technologies, research, recycling, design and cut CO2 emissions. 
Language: Spanish


What can you do to stop deforestation?: Deforestation means the massive destruction of large forest masses around the world, especially in tropical countries. This situation leads to the loss of biodiversity or damage to the soil. Here we explain you the causes, the figures, the consequences and some solutions which can help to improve this problem.
Language: Spanish


5 TIPS to reduce the risk of wildfires during the harvest of cereals: In summer the risk of fires increases and for that reason, we leave you the following infographics with some tips to avoid them. Because farmers take care of our environment, protect the land and provide quality food to society. 
Language: Spanish


Why is so necessary the Circular Economy? The following infographics, which was elaborated by General Secretary of the Euroean Council, deals with the significance of Circular business models in our economy. With them, we can reach the reduction of the waste, an improvement of our environment, the involvement of society and the rise of the natural resources. 
Language: Spanish


Organic farming: The South of Europe produces while the North consumes: The organic agriculture is only a 6,7% of the global agricultural picture in Europe. These figures are growing but it seems the South of the continent is focused on producing while the North consumes. Do you want to know what we produce and what do we consume? Then you would be interesed on it. 
Language: Spanish


5 tips to take care of stone fruit trees: Don't you know which plant is the best one for your environment? Do you know about the soil conditions? And what about the fertilisation, irrigation or pest control? There you have 5 tips for the best conserving of your fruit trees.
Language: Spanish


How legumes help us to stop climate change: Did you know that introducing legumes in your cultivation can be the key to increasing the resilience to climate change? Legumes are smart with regard to climate, because they adapt to climate change while helping to mitigate their effects: they are nitrogen fixers, which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by avoiding the use of fertilizers. The following infographics prepared by FAO explains the role of legumes in the fight against climate change. 
Language: Spanish


We give you 8 reasons for preserving forests: Every year 13 million hectares of forest are burned or cut down. If we mantained them alive, we would be able to stop the climate change. Trees inhale carbon dioxide (CO2) from air. Also they help to control the climate. Do you need more reasons?
Language: Spanish


The organinc farming in France: Did you know the situation of organic farming in the neighboring country? Did you know how the behaviour of French consumers has been evolving respect to organic products? Next infographics, made by Agence BIO, shows you very interesting data about the organic productions in France. Can not miss it! 
Language: French


Tips to live more sustainable: We show you 10 tips to live in an eco-friendly way, reducing your environmental footprint. Because with little steps we can change the future, lessening the impact of our actions in the environment. 
Language: Spanish


Learn more about greenhouse covers: The following infographics we will deal the essential features of this material, in order to help you to find the most accurate cover for your crop. According the physical, optical and thermal properties, we can advise you for buying the best greenhouse cover
Language: Spanish


Types of trees: We classify trees according size, shape of the crown, speed of growth and longevity. They are so important for life that we dedicate the next infographics to them and to its excellent benefits.
Language: Spanish


5 reasons why you should eat organic food: they are healthier, they do not have synthetic additives, they are sustainable and eviromental-friendly, they are GM free and high quality foods. Still have doubts?
Language: Spanish


Stop herbicides: Did you know that Spain is the country in Europe that uses more pesticides in agricultural crops? This has got important consequences in environment and health. How could we stop it? We can swap it for traditional practices such as crop rotation, promoting organic farminag and using Enviroplast®, the biodegradable mulch that prevents weed from growing.
Language: Spanish


The situation of organic farming in Spain: The following infographics we will find some reasons to purchase organic food, a sector in which are more than 36.000 producers in the country. Although this kind of products only represents the 1'7% in the shopping basket, more and more producers are deciding to switch to organic agriculture. 
Language: Spanish


The (R)Evolution of organic farming: This infographics made by EU highlights the interesting rise of organic farming. Spain is the European country with the largest surface of organic cultivation. Olive trees are the main crop and Austria is the country with the highest proportion of sustainable farms.
Language: Spanish


Organic label: This infographics informs you about organic farming in the EU. Find out the fake news and know deeply about food organic certification (quality standards, flavours, prices...). Because with Enviroplast®, it is easier to be more sustainable. 
Language: Spanish


Production of biodegradable plastics: In just 5 years, we will go from producing 1,7 million tons of biodegradable plastics to 7,8 million tons. World changes and consumers ask for plastics with no environmental impact. Agriculture here has an essential role, because the future of the plastics is biodegradable... the future is Enviroplast®
Language: Spanish


World plastic production: Currently only the 9% of plastics are recycled. If we do nothing, in 2050 the human being will generate more than 12 billions tons of polluting plastic waste. What can we do to solve this? With little steps we can change the future. For example, if you use Enviroplast® in your vegetable garden, you will make your life more sustainable. Join the #Greenvolution and act as you think with Enviroplast®. 
Language: Spanish